
Just Floating Through Life: Being Single in a Couple’s World

Hey there, friends! So, let’s chat about this whole “living life” thing. You ever feel like you’re just kind of coasting along, no real expectations for what’s next? That’s me, pretty much. I’m out here doing the dating dance—swiping left, swiping right, you name it. But honestly? It rarely leads anywhere.

I watch my friends and family dive into relationships, get hitched, and celebrate all these milestones that I sometimes think I’ll never experience. Don’t get me wrong; I’m happy for them, but there’s that little voice in the back of my mind asking, “What’s wrong with me?” It’s tough, especially when it feels like everyone else is cruising through life while I’m just… hanging on.

Then there’s the whole housing situation. Let’s talk about how crazy expensive it is to buy a home these days. I mean, I’m just one income trying to make ends meet, and it feels impossible to get a foot in the door. So, I’m stuck in this rental, hoping that someday I’ll figure it out. Meanwhile, everyone else is posting their cute home updates on social media, and I’m over here feeling like I’m doing something wrong.

What gets me, though, is how people look at me sometimes. There’s this mixture of pity and judgment that I can’t quite shake off. It’s like, I’m not a failure, I’m just living my life the way I can. Yet, the moment someone needs a favor or a hand with something, guess who they come running to? Yep, it’s me, the single friend with no kids or partner. “Hey, can you help me with this?” or “Do you want to watch my kids for the weekend?” I mean, I love helping out, but it’s wild how that’s the narrative, being single means you have all this time and energy to spare.

Traveling is another tricky one. I’d love to explore the world, but coordinating with friends can be a hassle. Plans fall through, or someone bails last minute, and I’m left feeling like I missed out again. I’ve gone solo a couple of times, but it’s just not the same when you’re not sharing those moments with someone.

And then there’s that nagging question that hangs over me like a cloud: “Why haven’t I found the one” I see it in my friends’ eyes when they ask why I’m still single, or hear it in the comments that come from well-meaning family members. It stings, you know?

What no one realises is that a relationship of 9 years ended in my mid 20’s and I do not wish to revisit, nor relive the pain. If there is a chance the relationship might end, I end it first, and end it early. This works for me.

I’m learning to embrace this phase of my life. Sure, I might not have the typical milestones lined up, but I have my own adventures. I’m learning to appreciate the little wins, the freedom that comes with being single, and the unique experiences that come my way. I may not fit into the mold everyone else seems to be following, but I’m figuring out my own path, one day at a time.

So if you’re feeling the same way, just know you’re not alone. Life might not look how we expected, but there’s beauty in the unexpected, too. Let’s keep floating along and finding our own joy in this wild ride!

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